Manufacturer Ultima Pharmaceuticals, Drostan P 100 (Drostanolone Propionate, Mast P) 100mg/ml 10ml vial, is used mainly for drying and for improving muscle mass. Ultima Drostan P 100 has mild anabolic actions which are not causing side-effects while respecting the recommended dosage.
Ultima Drostan P 100‘s active ingredient is Drostanolone Propionate. This Drostanolone ester has shorter half-life compared to Enanthate form. This does not mean that Ultima-Drostan P 100 is ineffective, injections just have to be made a bit more often.
Ultima Drostan P 100 Effects:
stimulation of muscle growth;
inhibition of production of female hormones, no flavoring;
reduction of fat tissue;
inability to be converted to estradiol;
the absence of excessive water retention in the tissues of the body;
improving athletic performance;
improving venous draw and relief;
reduces the level of globulin.